It’s softening back into the mattress after the alarm goes off. Softening my tone to let my lover know it’s okay he overslept. Softening the hearth with morning light. Softening the espresso with hazelnut creamer. Softening inner chatter with lion’s mane. Softening eardrums with classical music. Softening my shoulders when whispering a prayer. Softening a banana for my son to eat. Softening the laundry with rolls & folds. Softening my skin with goodies that smell like oranges and vanilla. Softening desperate cries with nursing. Softening any hard expectations of myself and anyone else for the day. Softening my Self with an elongated breath. Softening life.
What is a soft life to you?
Email me your answer! or comment on Substack :)
A life where one has what they want and how they want it. It's a good life, I certainly do want the things I want. It's also a painful life, for to have things is to soon be tired of having them, developing new voids, and being tormented all over again.
Give me soft life to be happy; give me soft life to not be happy. A soft life is like all other lives, we realize its limitations as soon as we have it.
Thank you. I needed to read this. I am softening my expectations and using "I did my best" as a more helpful benchmark. I am softening my body by breathing deeply, and pulling my shoulders away from my ears.