Feb 29Liked by Carrington Epperson

This is a beautiful reflection. You express the philosophical aspects of cooking so well.

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Thank you, your kindness means a lot to me 💞

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Mar 3Liked by Carrington Epperson

Wow, wonderful! I remember first hearing someone talk about muffins baked with love. It was when I was in college and this group of older worldly musicians came back for alumni weekend and I overheard them talking in the music building about muffins they made for each other and I thought about how I wanted to do that for my friends some day. If you’re willing to share your recipe and if you have it written down, yes please! The looks of awe and appreciation you describe is worth aspiring to!

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Aww I love that story! Here’s the recipe, enjoy!

Sourdough Discard Muffins

1 cup gluten free flour or AP flour

1/2 cup cane sugar

2 large ripe mashed bananas

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 tablespoon baking soda

3 tablespoon sourdough starter discard

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

375F for 25 mins

Yields 7 muffins

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Mar 1Liked by Carrington Epperson

Wholesome ❤️

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Mar 1Liked by Carrington Epperson

And thank you for the content!

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Feb 29Liked by Carrington Epperson

Beautiful words and that muffin looks incredible. I’m so impressed by your ability to “smell” when it was done! My teen is the baker at our house but I have one sourdough recipe that I love - but I’m not sure my starter is still alive…somewhere in the back of my fridge 😆

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Omg I hope my son can be the baker of the family when he’s a teen! That be a dream come true, then I’ll hang up my apron 😂 I’m sure that starter is still alive back there, they’re allegedly incredibly resilient!

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That’s what I’ve been told too 😆

Independent kids in the kitchen has been a very fun milestone at our house!

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Feb 29Liked by Carrington Epperson

Okay, Carri -- howwww did you make a starter on a Monday? I was just looking up how to make a starter because we need sourdough in our lives, but I am full of anxiety about this undertaking (and I read about a week-long feed and dump process...but I haven't yet read about what maintenance looks like? But I heard that starter can be an heirloom because you can pass it on for a hundred years?). Teach me, Wise One! I need tips. Also, that muffin looks sumptuous.

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I must admit I watched a YouTube video and read the blog post by Hopewell Heights Homestead all on sourdough! But ultimately I put 1/3 cup AP flour and 1/4 cup warm water mixed into a thick paste in a glass jar, lid on but not sealed. Left it on the counter for 2 weeks to mature it. I discarded half of it every couple days into recipes and replenished the same jar with the same amount I started with. After it was mature aka smelled like YEASTY YEAST and was bubbly I started storing it in the fridge during the week. I only use it on the weekends for baking and to keep it “alive”. It’s kinda the same amount of work as houseplants imo and I used to have 30 of those! 10/10 recommend if you want any flour based goodie to be fluffier or to use as an egg replacement!

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Thank you! That's what I read, pretty much. I love to hear that you discard through usage (this was the part of the process that made me really sad--just constant waste). I thought you literally made one-day starter and I was ready to just affirm that you are a cottage witch for true.

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This was the perfect thing to read on a Sunday Morning. It all sounds so gentle and fulfilling. If I close my eyes I can smell that muffin and that sourdough loaf from here 😍

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I am not one for the kitchen, but I'd like to think I am the best taste tester in the world. I like the process of baking, especially all of the sticky sweet mixtures and delicious smells that rise. Cooking feels like spinning plates to me - too much going on at once. My husband handles that and I am eternally grateful.

My favorite line of the whole piece is "if it comes from a place of love within me, there will be no faults." 😍 Imagine a world where all actions come from a place of love.

This one, "he flashed his 6 toothed smile at me." came in an incredibly close second.

I could smell this post. Thank you for sharing.

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