So grateful to receive this post, especially today. What a gracious reminder that our power does coincide with accepting our need to not be in control. To be truly open. You've written a beautiful necessary musing about waiting, which is often not a word we speak about when manifesting. I really will be bringing this into focus more as someone who holds space for affirmation and visions.

Also the last poem is so true. 'what if time /is holding us /inside its belly?'. I appreciate this and I am enjoying what 'Nurturing Wind' is developing into.

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Thank you for reading, reflecting and sharing. What came to mind in your comment for me is wanting to cross the street in a hurry because I’m excited to get to something or anxious to get away from something. I must wait for the crosswalk to indicate that I can walk safely. It’s hard to listen to it shout wait for 30 seconds but if I go and get hurt then I’ll never make my destination. So it’s better to wait and go safely than risk never making it at all. Some things are worth the wait!

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I feel so much of this. 💕

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